Wednesday, 30 July 2014

May she rest in peace

Lets not talk about how long I've been MIA from this blog. Or how cringe-worthy it is to look back at my previous posts.

It only seems like yesterday that I did THIS blog post last summer.
I haven't really achieved what I thought I would this time last year.
Sometimes expectations are what mess us up the most.

This year coming up is probably going to be the most important of my life.
I'll be in year 11....I'm going to be doing my GCSE's, which kinda makes me feel ill when I think about it.
During my mocks I felt like I was being lead to the slaughter house.(too much?)

A lot of my friends are turning 16 in the next couple of months; and I'll be doing to the same in 6 months.
I remember thinking about turning 16 when I was younger.
It was the magical age where I would suddenly know exactly what I wanted to do with my life and do cool things like get my ears pierced (mum's orders) and get a boyfriend.

But here I am approaching that elusive number, and I feel no more prepared to fulfill my expectations than the day I thought them up.
I still feel like I'm in Year 9... as if the past two years haven't really happened.


Well this post is really a box of laughs, isn't it?!

I guess this post is my attempt to try and resurrect this blog.
"Miss Rachel Reidy- may she rest in peace".

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