Monday, 14 October 2013

Hopelessly lost and not needing to be found.

I'm always losing things.
My phone, 
                                                                                          the list goes on and on.

I read online somewhere that although the amount of time people spent looking for lost things varies, in John Ortberg's book 'When the Game Is Over It All Goes Back in the Box', and in James Gleick's 1999 book 'Faster', it is said that we spend sixteen minutes a day (roughly one year of our lives) looking for lost possessions.

For me though, its probably a lot longer. I'm scatty, forgetful and all-round clumsy. Poor me.
Yesterday I lost something relatively important. In a couple of my previous blog posts, I have confessed my love for Youtube and my desire to start filming one day in the near future. I filmed that video yesterday....but accidentally deleted all of the footage. This was after I'd spent practically the whole day getting to grips with the editing system. That was one thing, that no matter how much I looked for it, I'd never get it back.

*all go awwh for unfortunate Rachel*

Losing things generally seems to be a bad thing; but then I look to characters such as the 'Lost Boys' in Peter Pan, which are lost... but seemingly perfectly content with this.

Some days, I feel that I'm lost. Not my possessions, but my personality. Its something that I can't always interpret. 
I've been feeling this way lately, a lot more than I'd like to admit. 

I sometimes have to pinch myself out of my self-pity, and remind myself that I'm not the only one to have ever gone through hardship. We all do and are, just in different ways.

Next time I feel lost, I'm going to remember that I'm only young, and life is about creating yourself, not trying to replicate someone else.

I'm also going to remember the saying:
                                                      'I'm hopelessly lost, not needing to be found'.

I can't remember where I heard this, but it came to mind whilist writing this post. 
Sometimes its okay not to know how you are, to feel lost in yourself. You can't find yourself the way you would a item, but acknowledging your current state, and still being happy with it (Like the Lost Boys) is enough, for now.

So I've re-filmed that YT video, (will keep you posted if I have the nerve to put it up...!) and I'm going to revel in the fact that I'm lost.

You know what they also say about lost things. Sometimes when you stop looking for them, they turn up.

Rachel   xxx

1 comment:

  1. I don't think we're ever really meant to be 'found', we're constantly learning and changing, wandering & I guess that is part of the adventure :)
    Love this post, so beautifully written. Looking forward to the YT video if it goes up! I wish I was brave enough! Maybe one day I'll get there :) I've nominated you for the sunshine award (details on blog!)
