Tuesday, 9 April 2013


Hi guys! I've started a new blog!! *sighs excessively at the obvious-ness of the comment* If 'obvious-ness' is even a word....
It has a nice ring to it though, and tingle on your tongue like when you eat a fizzy sweet.
I suppose I better start by talking about myself (I'm just guessing, I know very little about this whole blogsphere, so to speak).

About Me:
I'll try to make it as condensed as possible.
My name is Rachel and I'm at secondary school in South-East England.
Secondary School! I hear you gasp! Yes I am extremely young. However, I feel that many people underestimate young adults as being slightly incompetent opposed to adults.
Although we may not possess the knowledge and and experience of an adult, I somehow; rightly or wrongly believe that on the whole we are capable of more than you give us credit for.
The point of this incessant rambling is to say that I want to connect with my readers (if any :-) ) and just be really honest and forthright with you.

My inspiration to start a blog came from the blogs that I read. These include:

Elle and Blair: http://elleandblair.com/

The Camera's Lying: http://www.the-cameras-lying.com/

If for some reason you haven't checked these Blogs, I strongly urge you to do so! They all also have  equally brilliant Youtube Channels.

In addition to the blogs I already read, my inspiration has come from my love of writing and reading. I feel that my English lessons are structured with many boundaries. These can help develop your English skills, don't get me wrong- but I feel a blog can be a viable outlet for all my ramblings that I don't otherwise get to voice.

The Name:
The name 'Miss Rachel Reidy' came from my name, Rachel Reid. I would love to say that it has great importance and metaphoric meaning behind it but sadly this is not the case. I was just sitting there, thinking of a name for this blog and that popped into my head. It is the same name for my Youtube account, which I may start posting content on later this year! :-)

So yes, that's all I have to say at the moment, I'm sorry if this post is super long. I know I'm probably meant to a have a niche or a theme for my blog, but I've decided that my blog is just going to be a mish-mash of things I am interested in, and see how (and if) it develops from there. 

Rachel   xxx

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