Saturday, 18 May 2013

Precious lil' knick-nacks...

Let's talk jewellery.
Jewellery has to ability to completely change an outfit, and it's fun & cute.

 But it's also sentimental, linked to memories- and I'm sure most people have a piece of jewellery that means a lot to them. 

Here are mine: 

This is a ring that my mum gave to me just over a year ago. We were looking through her jewellery box, and this ring caught my attention. It's quite small and delicate, but shines so brightly. (And I'm a sucker for silver!)
My Nan gave the ring to my Mum when she was a young adult,  a bit older than me. I knew that this present would have meant a lot to my mum at the time because money was quite tight around that time and my Nan used to work so hard. After telling me this story, my mum offered gave it to me.

I wear this at every opportunity I have; which is every second apart from when I'm at school!
 I forgot to take it off one morning, and had to take it off at school and put it in my blazer pocket. Which, happened to have a unknown hole in, making me think I'd lost it, but I found it deeper in my blazer a few weeks later, which was a relief to say the least!!

This ring means to me: Love, Hard work, my mum and my Nan.

2) This is a locket necklace from Beaverbrooks that my brother and his girlfriend (now fiance!) gave to me about 5 years ago, when I was leaving with my mum and my dad to go live in Australia (we are back now, btw). On the back it has engraved:

"Love Always X"

But the camera wouldn't pick that up.

 I wear this so much too, its my go to necklace. This necklace reminds me of a pivotal moment in my life, and brings back a surge of memories,  & how I was feeling at that point in my life.
My brother has always been there for me, and his fiance,(for as long as I've known her) and I love them both soooo much.
So this  necklace means to me: Sibling love, an important moment in my life, and the fact that I'm never without them (even if the Indian Ocean is separating us :-)  

So these are some things that are special to me. Funny how its not the most expensive thing, or even the thing  I use the most..... Price or amount of usage, CAN'T make something special.
It's the memories behind it , the giver who gave it, and the sentimental value behind it.

Material things will make you happy, but only for a while.

Have you ever scratched a mosquito bite, and had a bit of relief and happiness; but too soon the itch came back again with vengeance, demanding to be scratched again?

Materials things are a bit like that. They'll make you happy, give you relief for a while, but soon you'll have to scratch that itch again, buying more materials things in a perpetual cycle.

However, memories remain, often to the end.
 Its funny how sometimes people think gifts always have to be physical, palpable things. 

Sometimes a memory is worth a lot more than material things, and not necessarily monetary worth. 

So next time you have a gift-giving opportunity come around, (whether that be a birthday, Christmas etc) think of a day out, think of spending time with the special person, and a small gift to remind them of that special time spent together- instead of just the newest gadget that you saw advertising or a couple hundred pounds.

Rachel   xxx

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Singing sweet songs.


Let me tell a little story.....
It was a lovely sunny day in MissRachelReidy land, and Rachel was outside supervising her cats, as they ran around the garden having fun (she had to supervise them because they were indoor cats, as this blog post HERE will inform you)

So she was watching them, whilst enjoying the lovely weather. 
She heard one of her cats (J-Jay) make a low growling noise, so she went over to investigate.
He was laying on some mud (note that the mud is brown... obviously. Is relevant later on). 

Suddenly out of nowhere, a large *BROWN* (hence why she didn't notice it straight away) BIRD comes flying out from under Jay-Jay's paws.

Which made Rachel quite surprised.

Clever cat.
But poor bird.

You know the whole caged bird thing? 

How there's like a bird in a cage and its meant to symbolise liberty, blahdebaba..
Its blog artwork, FYI.

It is just me but why do I feel that more birds are free than caged?
I see more birds flying free everyday than ones that are caged.

I seem to find that more people are caged than birds.
Trapped in their daily routine. 
Their society.
Their way of thinking. 
Their thoughts.
Their peers.
Their friends. 

                    I could go on forever; and what makes it sad is that most don't even know they are     restrained. I am, and like everyone else: I'm not fully aware of it.

Think outside the box. 
Dream Big!

But I'm becoming more aware.

That's the key to free yourself.
Find the key.

Phew! Its hard to write a deeeeeeeepp post. I know what I mean, but it's hard to put into words.
I just hope it doesnt sound to pretentious or whatever, because thats's not the kind of feeling I want to put across. 
Im going to go and watch 'The Apprentice now' :-)


Ohh and that song 'Three Little Birds' by Bob Marley talks about not worrying.
 Birds & not worrying.
Its a sign!!! Check it out HERE...

Rachel   xxx


I love
that you care.
                                           About me.
that you love.
that you want
only the best.
                                            For me.

that you advise.
that you teach.
that you control.
that you worry.
                                            About me.

But sometimes, all I want is
 for you to
                 listen to                